Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

misunderstood, gave rise to and heightened

municipalistic tendencies, of which we have

substantial evidence.

At any rate, the Twenties and Thirties

were the most productive period of Molisan

poetry in dialect, [and of dialect literature in

general, if we consider the substantial

chapter of dialect Theater of Isernia, entirely

in the years 1920-1940, (cf. Giambattista

Faralli, Il teatro dialettale di Isernia (1920-1940)

[The Dialect Theater of Isernia (1920-1940)],

Isernia: Marinelli, 1992), in a context that

involved not only the school as an

institutional structure with well-planned

programs [it should be remembered that the

texts adopted in Molisan elementary schools,

approved by the Ministry of Public

Education, were written by G. Berengario

Amorosa (Molise, 1926) and by Eugenio

Cirese (Gente buona, 1925), but intellectuals

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