European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections

(Marcin) #1
EXHIBITIONS: Words of Blood, Images of Fire, Pierpont
Morgan Library, New York, May-August icS^Jacques-
Louis David 1748-1825, Musée du Louvre, Paris, Octo-
ber 1989-February 1990, no. 90 (catalogue entry by A.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: M. Hamilton-Phillips, "America: A
Round-up," Apollo 130, no. 329 (July 1989), pp. 52, 54;
K. Monrad, "Fra Odysseus' borg til Langebro i K0ben-
havn," Kunstmuseets Àrsskrift 68 (1990), p. 84.


69 Oh! If Only He Were as Faithful to Me
EXHIBITIONS: Fragonard, Galeries Nationales du Grand
Palais, Paris, and Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York, September I98y-May 1988, no. 119 (catalogue by
P. Rosenberg).

71 Phaedra Rejecting the Embraces of Theseus
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Master Drawings 1760-1880, exh. cat.
(W. M. Brady and Co., Inc., New York, 1990), under
no. 17.

82 Apollo and the Muses on Parnassus
83.00.34 5
EXHIBITIONS: Early Poussin in Rome: The Origins of
French Classicism, Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth,
September-November 1988 (not in catalogue).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: F. G. Schab, éd., Woodner Collection II:
Old Master Drawings from the XV to the XVIII Century,
exh. cat. (William H. Schab Gallery, New York, 1973),
under no. 88; H. T. Goldfarb, From Fontainebleau to the
Louvre: French Drawing from the Seventeenth Century, exh.
cat. (Cleveland Museum of Art, 1989), pp. 42-43, under
no. 15.

83 Presentation in the Temple
84.GA.6o 7
The drawing has been de-accessioned and returned to
its previous owner.

86 The Entombment*

Partial Study of the Entombment"
EXHIBITIONS: The Drawings of Anthony van Dyck, Pier-
pont Morgan Library, New York, and Kimbell Art Mu-
seum, Fort Worth, February-April, June-August 1991,
no. 6 (catalogue by C. Brown).

8j Portrait ofHendrick van Balen
EXHIBITIONS: The Drawings of Anthony van Dyck, Pier-
pont Morgan Library, New York, and Kimbell Art Mu-
seum, Fort Worth, February-April, June-August 1991,
no. 54 (catalogue by C. Brown).

88 Landscape
EXHIBITIONS: Paintings and Drawings by VanDyck, Not-
tingham University Art Gallery, February-March 1960,
no. 58 (catalogue by O. Millar); The Drawings of Anthony
van Dyck, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, and
Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, February-April,
June-August 1991, no. 91 (catalogue by C. Brown).

go Three Groups of Apostles in a Last Supperr

Three Sketches for Medea and Her Children"
84.GA.95 9
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A.-M. Logan, "Review of Julius S.
Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings," Master Drawings 25,
no. i (Spring 1987), p. 81 ; X. Egorova, Rubens (Lenin-
grad and Paris, 1989), pp. 143-44, under no. 64; C.
Scribnerlll, Peter Paul Rubens (New York, 1989), pp. 12-
13 ; G. Luijten and A. W. F. M. Meij, From Pisanello to Cé-
zanne: Master Drawings from the Museum Boymans-van
Beuningen, Rotterdam, exh. cat. (Pierpont Morgan Li-
brary, New York, and other institutions, 1990), p. 124,
under no. 43.

91 Assumption of the Virgin
83.66.19 8
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A.-M. Logan, "Review of Julius S.
Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings," Master Drawings 25,
no. i (Spring 1987), p. 66; C. White, Peter Paul Rubens:
Man and Artist (New Haven and London, 1987), pp. 142,

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