Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

will. You need, instead, to seek another passage.

The door to the future awaits you. Do not
linger behind, looking at a door from the past which has
just closed. It is a law of life that when one door closes,
another opens. We spend too much time looking with regret
at the closed door when we should seek the open door
and move on.
There is much inner strength in knowing that
the darkest day will surely pass. And there is strength, too,
in knowing that you never are given a burden which you
are unable to bear. It is only when you cling to old burdens,
so that you still carry the weight of yesterdays when you
add the burdens of each new day, tlu!:t you falter and break.
Sufficient unto each day are the burdens there-
of. And sufficient is your strength for each day's burdens.
As Dorothy Dix wrote: "I stood yesterday; 1 can stand
today; I will not permit myself to think about what might
happen tomorrow."

But what about tomorrow, when to day's dark
hours have passed? Of only one thing you can be sure.
Tomorrow will be different-because the only certainty in
life is change. You cannot control what changes tomorrow
will make, but you can influence these changes in your life
-for better or for worse-by your attitude toward each
event and what you do about it. You have a choice, in
attitude and action, so that when life gently closes its door
on a dark day, you can seek and find a door, newly opened,
through which you can walk ... courageously ... expec-
tantly ... into a brighter tomorrow.
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