Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

Biometrics Working Group 111
licenses 212
Brooke, M. de L. 50
Brownie, C. 128–9
Brown Teal 291
Brünnich’s Guillemot 245
Brushtail Possum 279
Bryant, D. M. 224
Bub, H. 89
on bird trapping 89
Buckland, S. T. 20
Bullfinche 75
Burgis, M. J. 243
Burhinus oedicnemus237, 339
Burke, T. 226
burrow-nesting seabird 44
Buteo buteo 287
Buteo jamaicensis 287
Buteo regalis 287
Buteo swainsoni 287
Buzzard, Common, cross-fostering 287

Cacatua rosiecapilla 181
cafeteria experiments 240
cage traps 87, 90
“cainism” and chick rescue 288
Calidris alpina 163
Calidris canutus 170
California/Andean Condor 292
California Condor 146, 289
chick rescue 288
nest-site enhancement 275
Callaeus cineria279, 291
Calver 243
Campbell, T. W. 200
Canada 216
Animal Care Committees (ACC) in
institutions 216
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)
Canadian Wildlife Service 212, 292
Canary 287
canon-nets 94
canopy cover 259
Caprimulgus europaeus 51
captive breeding projects 291
captive facilities, role of 291–2
by hand 94
techniques 47–50, 87
capture-mark-recapture 47–8
methods 51

studies, mathematical models to analyze
data from 48
data 126
studies 135
under the CJS model 125
capture-recapture/resighting 124–7, 131–3
carbon (C) 163
Carduelis flammea 347
catching birds 87–9
catch per unit effort 47, 49
cattail (Typhaspp.) 353
Caughley, G. 306
ceilometer 166
celluloid split rings 96
cellulose 244
census 22–3
true 22
Certhia familiaris 276
Certificate of Designation 214–15
Chard, T. 223
Chardonneret trap 90
Chatham Island Black Robin seeBlack Robin
Chatham Island Snipe 291
Chatham Island Tit, cross fostering 286
Chatham Island Warbler 286
Chaturvedi, C. M. 223
CHD-Wgene 227
CHD-Z 227
Chen caerulescens caerulescens 360
measurement of 78
rescue 288
determination for species with precocial
young 64–6
early estimates of 65
chlamydia 277
Chloebia gouldiae 285
cholinesterase, inhibition of 221
chromatography 224
chromo-helicase-DNA binding (CHD) genes 227
Ciconia ciconia 170
Cinclus cinclus 256
circular diagram showing orientation of
White-crowned Sparrows 175
circular statistics 174–5
Cirl Bunting nestlings 79
Circus cyaneus 345
Cistothorus palustris 361
Cistothorus platensis 361
clap-nets 94
Clark, J. A. 100

Index| 373
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