Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

migration program
bird’s genetic 174
cross-breeding experiments 174
Millspaugh, J. J. 142, 156
Miniosmotic pumps 220
minisatellite sequences 226
Mink (M. vison) 279
mist nets 5, 47, 49–50, 77, 92–3
extraction 93
mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) 226
haplotypes 163
mobile tracking 150
model eggs 69
modelling of bird encounter histories 134
molecular genetics 225–7
identifying individuals and relatives 225–6
prey species 227
relatedness among species and populations 226
sex determination 227
Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survival
(MAPS) in North America 49
Monitoring, need for 18–19
Montserrat Oriole 22
moon watching 165–6
morphology and foraging behavior 240
Morris, P. A. 243
Morton, D. B. 217
moult and ringing schemes 101
movement 129–34
modeling, probabilistic 131
estimation 131
multiple counts 25
multistate capture-recapture models 131
Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) 353

Named Animal Care & Welfare Officers
(NACWOs) 215
Named Veterinary Surgeons 215
National Committee for experiments on animals
in Sweden 215
national ringing scheme or banding program 86
websites 87
Navstar global positioning system (GPS) 142
neck-collars of DARVIC 98
neck ligatures 241
nectar-feeding birds, food for 265
Nesoenas mayeri 272
nest-boxes 276
traps 91
nestling diet 238
checking 62
relocation precautions 61–2
finding and selecting 58–60

markers 62
observations 235
success estimation from nest check
data 66–7
net and trap sites, mapping with GPS 88
Neu, C. W. 262
Newton, I. 79, 311
New Zealand 269
Department of Conservation 213
predator control 279
“super fence” 280
Wildlife Act 1953 212
Nightjar 345
night observations 245
nitrogen (N) 163
no observed effect dose (NOED) 221
non-bird species, habitat taking account of
requirements of 335
noose-carpet traps 91–2
Norris, D. O. 223
North America 166, 269
Breeding Bird Survey 41
forest passerine birds in 71
studies of illegal activities 314
North American banding manual
(NABM) 87
Northern Bald Ibis 276, 296
Northern Bobwhite 349
Northern Goshawks 153
North Island Brown Kiwi 291
see alsokiwi
North Island Weka 291
Notimoystis cincta279, 291
Nuclear markers 163
Nudds, R. L. 224
Numenius arquata 76
nutritional status of bird 225
Oaks (Quercusspp.) 347
O’Connor, R. J. 254
OECD testing protocols, birds used in
standard 221
off-site surveys 313
Olney Three-square Bulrush (Scirpus olneyi) 360
on-site survey methods 313
opossum shrimp (Neomysisspp.) 355
optical range finder 166
organochlorine pesticides 221–2
organophosphorus compounds 221
Oring, L. W. 216, 220
ornithodolite 166
Ottenby trap 90
overkill 303
Oystercatcher 342

380 |Index

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