SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

General Instruction: This test is designed to gauge your understanding of Maintenance & Reliability. It also prepares you for the environment you will experience
during a certification exam. Note that this test is based on what should be happening, not how it is done at their organization.

Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer. You are given 20 minutes to complete the 15 questions. Only calculator is allowed. No talking, no books or
references. After the 20 minutes is up, review the answers as a group and discuss answers as needed.

  1. An organization has goal to achieve 85% OEE. They current operate
    with a 95% performance (efficiency) and a 98% quality rate. What
    level of availability is required to achieve the 85% OEE?
    A. 90.6%
    B. 91.3%
    C. 92.7%
    D. 89.8%

  2. What β (Beta) best represents an early wear out failure when using a
    Weibull analysis?
    A. <
    B. 1
    C. 1 - 4
    D. >

  3. A given 10-person work crew works a standard 40-hour week with 6%
    overtime authorized each week. There are 845 hours of ready backlog.
    Safety toolbox meetings are held on Wednesday mornings for 30
    minutes. Calculate the ready backlog.
    A. 1.
    B. 0.
    C. 0.
    D. 2.
    4. What is the definition of Configuration Management?

    5. A facility has a pump and has experienced 3 failures with the first
    failure lasting 3 hours, the second failure lasting 9 hours, and the third
    failure lasting 6 hours. What is the MTTR of the pump?
    A. 0.61 hours
    B. 6 hours
    C. 18 hours
    D. 0.17 hours
    6. What are the typical stages that a team progresses through during a
    A. Norming, Forming, Performing, Storming
    B. Forming, Norming, Storming, Performing
    C. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
    D. Performing, Storming, Norming, Forming

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