Essential Skills Manual - Automotive Service Technician

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NOC 7321

Page 194

Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

OC2 Communicate Effective Messages

Upon completion of this objective, learners will be able to:

2.1 identify audience
2.2 identify purpose
2.3 organize thoughts and ideas
2.4 communicate effectively to a variety of audiences
ƒ use non-verbal techniques to reinforce the verbal message
ƒ use appropriate terminology
ƒ communicate one-on-one
ƒ participate in group discussions
ƒ present information to groups

Suggested Strategies and Activities:

ƒ Ask learners to identify the different people they speak with at work (i.e.,
project managers, supervisors, foremen, co-workers, workers in other trades,
customers, suppliers)
ƒ Discuss the differences in communicating with each
ƒ Ask learners to think about the jargon, technical language and abbreviations
that are used in their trade and the appropriateness of using this language with
each audience
ƒ Increase awareness of poor speech habits by creating a list of those that
learners have observed
ƒ Identify and discuss significance of non-verbal communication such as facial
expression, posture and gestures
ƒ Identify strategies for effective telephone communication, use of cellular
telephone and two-way radio
ƒ Provide opportunities for learners to give instructions in class setting by giving
oral instructions to others one-on-one or to the group
ƒ Provide opportunities for engaging learners in discussion
ƒ Encourage speaking in class to increase learner confidence
ƒ Hand out materials on effective participation in meetings/group discussions
ƒ Provide opportunities for learners to share information in the form of a short
presentation on a topic that they are comfortable with using a visual aid such as
a picture, sketch or diagram to increase understanding
ƒ Use the process of giving and receiving feedback as a communication situation
ƒ Create a safe atmosphere for giving and receiving feedback on communication
ƒ Assign learners the task of leading the class through some of the assigned

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