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(Nora) #1

are not visible if someone searches for their product or service online.
SEO is not a one-time set up. You have to continuously monitor your
SEO and make the necessary adjustments to maximize it. SEO is the
key component to being visible on the Internet.

Consider this, on Google alone, there are nearly 700,000 searches
conducted every second. Every second your website isn’t indexed on
Google you are missing out on hundreds, if not thousands of opportuni-
ties for someone to visit your website, be influenced by your content,
and potentially buy your product or service.

You can pay to have your website at the top of the search page or you
can make it happen organically. It is estimated that approximately 88%
of search engine users never click on paid ads. So, you can get great vis-
ibility by maximizing your SEO to obtain organic placement in the top
spot(s) on the search engines.

When a person uses a search engine, such as Google, they are search-
ing you out and seeking what you have to offer. Much like how people
would use the Yellow Pages in the past. It’s a more pleasant sales experi-
ence for them. It doesn’t feel intrusive like many other forms of adver-
tising they are bombarded with day after day.

Just by being visible and always available on the Internet you are at-
tracting a friendly buyer who is feeling good about the buying experi-
ence. You are able to sell what a buyer wants, when they want it. It’s a
win-win situation.

YoU neeD to shoWCAse YoUR
PRoDUCts AnD seRvICes

After you have made yourself visible, show your potential customer
what they want to see by showcasing your products and services. People
need to know what you offer and why your products and/or services are
the ones they need to buy. How are you going to convince them?

What information can you supply through your website that will show-
case those products and services and cause that website visitor to be
convinced that if they don’t buy from you that they are making a mis-
take. Your website must be visually desirable and easy to navigate. You
aren’t really “showcasing” your product if your website visitor has to
click multiple times to get to the page you want them to see. Make your

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