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(Nora) #1

product easy for your customer to find and displayed in such a way that
they can get as much information as they need to make an informed

YoU neeD to geneRAte leADs

People come to your website for a reason. Typically, they don’t just
stumble upon your site. You need to capitalize on their visit by capturing
their information so you can continue to stay in touch with them. Even if
you have the greatest product or service and even if they are convinced
that you are the business from which they want to make a purchase, they
may not be ready to make the purchase at the time of their visit. There
may be multiple reasons.

But, if you have their contact information, you can gently “drip” on
them through various means so they don’t forget you when they are
ready to make their purchase. When I say, “drip,” I’m referring to a
“stay-in-touch” process whereby you send them follow up communica-
tion in various forms which will serve as consistent “touches” without
them feeling like you are pestering them or trying to push your product
or service on them.

Drip enough information on them to keep them interested and in the
buying cycle without pushing them away. There is a fine balance to be
achieved in this process and you will have to find that balance in your
niche market.

YoU neeD to estABlIsh thoUght leADeRshIP

Your website is the perfect place to establish yourself as a leading expert
in your field. Of course, you can and should use other internet and non-
internet means to establish yourself as a thought leader, but make sure
you start with your website.

Your website can house white papers you have written, blog posts, Q
and A, and the list can go on and on. If you are uncomfortable placing
yourself out there as an authority and as a thought leader, then you need
to read, research, and learn from others in your field so that you can
feel comfortable referring to yourself as a thought leader in your field.
People will gravitate to someone that can give them the information
they are looking for and that’s why your website needs to reflect you as
a thought leader.

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