Strategic Planning in the Small Business

(Ron) #1
HO 1-8 (continued)

Trends Shaping the World ......................... ..... .. ...

oP ieahe l world has been



V 0
made 'safer' for local or


With the nuclear

effectively gone, woulc­

be antagonists feel less

,____ inhibited."

commercial/cultural attaches of nearly first of many small despots who will win this one, too.

ever) country in the world, and try to win by c'onquest what cannot a India vs. Pakistan.
The two have

the headquarters of many multi- be achieved by negotiation, feuded with each other since the

national and international corpora- * The United States and the Soviet British
left in 1947; religious differ­

tions. Union will sign a long procession
of ences, separatism in Kashmir, and

  • In addition, several agencies arms treaties
    in the next decade. The small stocks of nuclear weapons

cooperating with the United Na- two
countries will make a virtue of make this a hot spot to watch care­

tions, including
the International necessity, but both ,,,iI act primarily fully.

Monetary Fund and
the General to cut expensive military programr e Northern Ireland vs. itself. This

Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, from their budgcts. perpetually troubled land will re­

ha%e their headquarters or routinely e The Warsaw Pact has already main its own worst enemy. In trying

conduct much of their business in disintegrated. NATO, seeking anew to keep Ireland under control, the

Washington. purpose,
will eventually become an British face an increasingly unpleas­

emergency strike force for the United ant task.

Nations. The number of guns, tanks, 4S. Tactical alliances fonned by

and military planes in Europe will common interests to meet immediate

fall to little more than half their peak needs will replace long-term commit­

levels, ments among nations.

a Terrorist states will continue to 9 In the Middle East, "the enemy

harbor chemical and biological weap- of your enemy is your friend." Iran

  1. The world has been made ons until the international commu-
    and Iraq will tolerate each other in

for local or regional conflicts. nity
finally takes a firm stand. their
stronger hatred for the West.

During the Cold War, the superpow- 44. Erushfire wars will grow more The United States and Syria will

ers could restrain their aggressive frequc,.i and bloody. Among the never be friends, but
both dislike

junior allies from attacking their mo3t likely are: Iraq.

neighbors. With the nuclear threat o Israel vs. the Arab countries. We m Turkey and C..zece will be hard­

effechvely gone, would-be antago- foresee one last conflict in this region pressed to overlook their differences

nists feel less inhibited. Iraqi Presi- before thepeace that nowseems near about Cyprus, but may do so in an

Saddam Husscin was only the actuality becomes a reality. Israel will effort to counter terror.xm.

20 THE FUTURIST Seplember.Oddobr 1991 132

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