The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
Law of Familiarity

Asking someone their name is a simple task in itself. Most people don’t have
to think about the answer. They know their name, their age, where they were
born, favorite foods, colors, movies, and more. No thought is needed. That
is how familiar you need to be with answering objections, product questions,
and marketing questions, and relaying your company’s history. It takes only
a few hours to learn these things and then 20 to 30 conversations to lock
them in.

Law of Association: Books, Tapes, and People

Who do you spend time around? How are they affecting you, and is that
okay? Surround yourself with quality people, ideas, and energy. Spend most
of your time with people who support what you are all about in life; don’t
spend much time with negative people who wear you down. Do your friends
think of ideas, concepts, service, and society or do they talk about gossip,
celebrities, TV shows, and headaches? You have to love your family, because
they are your family, but you do not need to drown yourself in pity, negative
discussions, and arguments. Get plugged into a leadership tape series. Read
books. Go to the library. Only 5 percent of Americans own a library card.
The books are free, and all of the knowledge in the world awaits you, right
down the street. Attend local mixers and Toastmaster meetings, and visit your
upline in person or by phone as often as possible. Stay motivated by sur-
rounding yourself with motivated people.

Law of the Farm: Planting and Reaping

The more people you talk to, the better your chances to succeed. Rejection is
the process that paves the way of success. It is like the weather—it takes rain
and sun to create a rainbow. The only way you are going to be massively suc-
cessful is to take on a great number of conversations in a short period of time
or do so for a long period of time. A parable teaches us that when we plant
seeds in a garden, some fall on the hard soil, some seeds get eaten by the
birds, and some seeds fall on fertile soil and grow. You never really know
what seeds are ready to grow until after you water them. Farmers plant a
great deal of seed and allow the law of the farm take root. In network mar-
keting, you never know who is ready to take action. It often comes from un-
likely sources and they do it for their reasons, not yours. It took me a great
deal of time to realize that it isn’t my fault if they don’t join or take action.
That is not to say that I shouldn’t learn how to do a nice presentation and fol-
low up properly. It just means that people show up with their own baggage,
unspoken commitments and concerns, motivations and desires. Usually they

Posture, Process, and Perspective Create Profits 269
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