A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Around TBD thrown, tempeat o'er U!m1Mit roll'~
lf.ajeatie d&rkneea! on the whirlwind's wing,
Biding aubllme, Tuou bidd'et the world adore,
And ho.mbleat nature with TllT northern bla.d.

Mylt.eriona l'O'Ilnd I what skill, wb&t force divine,
Dee!>-felt, in tl1eae ap~r I a aimple train,
Yet eo delightful mix d, with auch kind art,
Such beauty and beneficence combined ;
Shade unperceived, so aoftening into abade;
An•l a! lao forming an baJ"lllonioua whole,
That, as they !!till succeed, they ravish atilL
But wandering oft, with rude unconecioua gaze,
Mau marks not TBI!Jt, mark& not the mighty band
ever busy, wbeela the eileut spheres;
W orke in the aeeret deep ; ehoota steam in~ theae.s
The fair profuaion thRt o'erapreade the apnng;
Flings from the sun direct the tiaming day 1
Feeds every creature; hurls ibe tempeai forth,
And u on earth thia grateful ehange revolvM,
With t.ranapori touches all the aprings or life.

Natnn, attend! join every living aoul
Beneath the Bp!\cious temple of the sky,
In &doratioo. join; and ardent raise
One general song! To Hut, ye vocal gales,
Breatbe eon, whoee SPUUT in your freshneea breathes :
Oh I talk of 1IJ.x in solitary gloome,
Where o'er the rock the ecarcely waving pine
Filt. the brown shade with a religious awe.
And ye, whoee bolder note ia he!Vd afar,
Who shake the utoniah\1 world, lin high to heaven
The impetaona aong, and •Y from whom you rage.
H1s praise, ye brooD, attune, ye trembling rille;
And let me eateb it as I muse along.
Ye headlong torrent., rapid, and profound;
Ye eoner floods, that lea.tl the hamld maze
A.loug the vale ; and t!lou, m"jeatio main,
A eecn\ world of woudera iu thyself,
Sound H1s stupendou11 praiee, whoee greater •oic~
Or bida yon l'04t 1 or bida your roaring falL

Sot\ roll your incense, herbe, anll fruita, and ftowen,
In mingled clouds to Rut, whoee aun exalt., ·
Wboee brut.h perfumes you, and wuoee pencil p&iota..
Ye foreat-, benJ ; yo h&rveata, wa•e to lllM ;
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