A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Breathe you1· et.ill &ong into the 1•eaper'a he.ut,
Ju home be goea beneath the joyoWI moon.
Ye that keep wr.tch in Heaven, aa earth aaleep
Unconacioua lies, effuse your mildest beams;
Ye conatel.latio.na, while your angela e\rike,
Amid the spangled aky, the ailnr lyre.
Great eour ce of day I but image here below
Of thy Creator, ever pouring wide,
From world to world, the vit&l ooean roWld,
On Nat ure write with every bea.m Hts praise.
The thunder rolla : be bush'd lbe prostrate wo1•ld ;
While cloud to cloud returns the solemn hJ1DIL
Bleat out afresh, ye billa; ye m011ey r ocka.
Retain the aound ; the broad responsive lowe
Ye valleye raiee; for the GlllUT SBEPBBRD reigns,
And hie uJUuft'ering kingdom yet will come.
Ye woodlands all, awake: a bou.ndleBS song
:Buret from the groves! and when the restless day,
Expiring, laye the WIU'bling world aaleep,
Sweetest of birds I sweet Philomela, charm
The listeniug shades, and teach the night Hts praise.
Ye chief, for whom the whole cr eation emiles,
At ouce the bead, the heart, the tongue ofa.ll,
Crown the great hymn I in swarming cities v&~~t,
Assembled men, to the deep organ join
The l ong resounding voice, oflr.breaking elel\1',
At eolerun pauses, through the swelling base :
And, aa each mingling tl:une iocrMaes each,
In one united ardour riae to heaven.
Or if you rather choose the rural ahnde,
And find 11. f11.11e in every tiii.Cl'ed grove,
There let tbe shepherd's lute, the virgin'a lay,
Tbe prompting seraph, and the poet'elyreil
Still ling t he Goo or Suaolfs, as they ro
For me, -when I forget the darling theme,
Whether \be blouom blo'lFio, the Summer-ra.y
Ruseeta the plain, inapirwg Autumn glentnS,
Or Winter nsea in the blackeuing east;
Be my tongue mute, my fancy p!Unt. no more.
And. dead to joy, forget my heart to beat!
Should fate command me to the f.artheet Yerge
Of the green earth, to d.iatant barb&roue climes,
B.ivere unknown to eoug ; where firet the .un
Gilda Indian moll!l1Ai.na, or hia aotting belolll

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