A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
PO.E:KS 01' BZLIOlO!f,

Blest are the moments, doubly bleet,
That, drawn from thw one hour of reet.
Are with a ready heart beatow'd
Upon the service of our God I
Each field is then a b&llow'd epot.
All alt.ar is in each ma.n'e cot,
A church in every grove that apreada
Ita livillg roof above our heada.
Look up to Heaven I the induatriou1 Sun
Already half his raoe hath run ;
He cannot halt nor go astray,
Bnt our immortal Spirit& may.
Lord I ainee biB riaing in the Eut,
If we have falter'd or tr&Digrut'd,
Guide, Crom thy love's abUDdaut eouree,
What. yet rema.io.e of t.hia day's course;
Help with thy grace, tllrough li!e'a abort day,
Our upward aud our downward way ;
And glorify for us the weat,
When we shall 11ink to final rest.



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Aoon, below, in aky and eod
In lea.£ .nd apa.r, in star and man,
Well might the aage Athenian ICI.ll
The geometric eigne or God,
The measured ordei· or His plan.

And India's mystiea •ng &right
Ot the One We pervading all,
One Being'a tidal riae and fi1ll
In soul and form, in sound a.nd •lgbt,
Eternal outflow and recall.
Ood ia : and man in guilt and fea.r
The central fact of nature owna ;
Kueela, trembling, by hia altor-etonoa,
And darkly dreama the guilty tmear
or blood appeases and &.tonee.
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