The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

pendulum does not have a hole through the top, which
would be unusual, you need to purchase a bail and glue
it on. String directly tied to the pendulum has the habit
of slipping to one side or the other and throwing off the
hanging balance of your device.

Some pendulums, particularly those carved out of
stone, may not be shaped symmetrically. The shape may
be heavier or thicker on one side than on the other, or
the hole at the top may be off-center. If the pendulum
shape is good but the hole is not centered, you can
correct this by gluing a bail to replace the hole.
However, there is nothing you can do about a badly
shaped pendulum.

Eventually you may acquire a collection of pendulums
of different shapes, materials, and sizes. It is best not to
become dependent upon only one pendulum. You may
find that some of your pendulums will not work
properly or at all on certain types of questions. I have
one pendulum made of lapis lazuli that refused to
answer questions unless they are of a spiritual nature. I
did not choose this pendulum for that kind of questions
and at first could not understand why it sometimes
refused to move. When I began to pay attention, it
became obvious that it was attuned to spiritual
problems, not material ones.

A short list of stones and their traditional meanings is
at the end of this section to help if you are planning to
use stone energy in pendulum divining.

Purists also quibble over whether the pendulum
should be suspended on a thread, string, or thin chain.
Folk tradition states that it should be hung on human
hair, which actually does not make a good suspending
thread at all. It is difficult to get a hair long enough, or
strong enough, or flexible enough to tie the hair to the

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