The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
pendulum bail. Hair also frequently breaks. Thread is
usually thin and strong, and is easily acquired. If you use
string, it must not be too thick and should be strong and
very flexible; a cheap string that breaks or frays easily is
not a good choice. A very fine, short, silver neck chain
makes a good suspending thread if it is flexible. A chain
with heavy links will not allow the pendulum to move
freely. Try each kind until you find what works best
with your pendulum. Also, what works well on one
pendulum may not work smoothly on another one.
You will not need any great length of thread or chain
for your pendulum, although it should be long enough
so that you can adjust it if necessary. Hanging lengths of
6 to 8 inches usually work best. A pendulum that hangs
down too far when you hold it will only get in your way.
Each pendulum, depending upon its weight, will require
a different length of thread.

Use Your Pendulum

The proper method for holding a pendulum is to grasp
the suspending thread between your thumb and
forefinger. Some people hold the string over the first
joint of the forefinger, but this makes the string length
keep changing and the finger is frequently in the way of
the pendulum swing. The fingertips are very sensitive.
Through them you can tell what the pendulum is doing
without looking at it. Greater ease of movement is
attained by holding the string between the thumb and
The proper body position for working with a
pendulum is important. Rest your elbow on a table and
hold your grasping fingers so that they point downward.
Do not cross your feet. Take several deep, slow, calming
breaths. Most important, do not use the pendulum when

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