The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

immunoglobulin, and increase the activity and numbers
of disease-fighting lymphocytes.

A good book on anatomy can be helpful. In this way,
the healer gets a better idea of where internal organs

Understanding the endocrine glands is another vital
part of healing. If these are working properly, many
illnesses will correct themselves. To understand better
how these glands work, a brief description of each

The pituitary gland is in the center of the head, in
back of and between the eyes, at the root of the nose. It
hangs from the hypothalamus gland, which is attached
to the brain. The pituitary gland is really the master
gland and controls all the endocrine glands in the body.

The hypothalamus gland is about the size of a sugar
cube and is located in the brain. It connects the chemical
and neural systems. The thalamus gland is slightly above
and to the rear of the hypothalamus. It is the reception
area for touch, pain, heat, cold, and muscle sensations.

The pineal gland is behind the thalamus and lies
almost in the center of the head. It is only about a half-
inch long and it's believed to stimulate the action of the
other glands.

The thyroid gland is butterfly-shaped and lies on each
side of the throat just above the points of the collarbone.
It controls metabolism and the calcium content of the
blood. The button-like parathyroid glands are imbedded
in the thyroid, two on each side. They help to control
blood calcium and the phosphate in the kidneys and

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