The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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  • What is there about the world that you would change? Why?

  • What kind of hobbies really gets you excited?

  • What would you do in life if you knew you couldn’t fail?

  • What three books would you take with you if you were stranded on a deserted

  • What is the most inspiring thing anyone ever said to you?

  • If you had to be transformed into an animal, what would you choose?

  • What car most resembles your personality? Why?

  • What’s the nicest place you’ve ever visited?

  • If there was one thing you wish you’d learned years earlier, what is it?

  • Who is your personal hero? Why?

  • What’s your favorite time period in history? Why?

Ask them questions that no one else has ever asked them. Forget her favorite color. Be

Another simple rule is that it’s actually easier to find things to talk about on the spur of
the moment than it is to try to memorize topics, but both will work. If you have a few things to
talk about that you can draw from, you won’t go into a conversation with a nervous edge. And, if
you can generate your own topics on the fly, you’ll be a conversation machine.
When you find yourself at a loss for words, the best thing to do is look around you and
find a topic from your surroundings. Start with her and her jewelry, her choice in clothes,
hairstyle, etc. One of the best questions is to notice a piece of jewelry or item on her and ask:
“What’s the story behind that?” Alternately, you should see what else is going on around you. If
you’re at a sports bar, you can ask if she’s into any particular teams. If there’s a television on in
the vicinity, use whatever’s on to start some small talk. From small talk comes bigger talk.
As you become more comfortable keeping a basic conversation going, you’ll be able to
branch out a bit. Another good rule of conversation with women is that you should make the
topic sensational, a bit lurid and dramatic. Then take it and throw in a dose of humor along the

For example: You’re at a bar and you just went through the usual patter about how
your day was. You glance at the television and see that “Cops” is on. You say: “Have you ever
watched this show? What do you think?” After she answers, you say: “So what is it with every
guy they put on there has to be grossly overweight and living in a trailer park. Why aren’t the
cops ever going to some nice house in the valley? Instead, they’re all named ‘Bubba’ and they
wear those same tank-top t-shirts. What gives?”

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