The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Being able to take the conversation away from the usual topics and towards something
humorous gives you an edge. Every other guy she’s dated in the last week has been going
through the same date script that everybody else uses:

  • What do you do?

  • Do you live in the city?

  • Been to any good movies/restaurants/shows/clubs?

  • How ‘bout this weather?


Beware! She will also try to get you into the “date questionnaire” mode by asking you the
usual questions.

  • What do you do?

  • What kind of car do you have?

  • Where are you from?

  • Is your family here?

  • Do you want kids?

  • Ever been married?

If you don’t break this pattern and make things fun and different, she’s going to shift her
focus over to determining why you won’t work out. If you aren’t Wow!-ing her, she’s going to
have to back up her lack of attraction to you with some seemingly reasonable conclusions about
you – even if they’re not true. That’s what her inclination will be, since part of her doesn’t want to
risk her heart on another buffoon. You have to overcome her inertia. Get her off the topic, fast.
You need to get her thinking with the romantic part of her brain, the part that entertains
possibility and intrigue. Asking What-if? questions is a great way to start.

Betty: “So, do you think you’ll buy a house in the area?”
Dave: “Hey, c’mon. Let’s not get into that deep talk until we’re married with three
kids and a mortgage, okay?” (slight smile) “You don’t want to fall asleep on me this early,
do you?”
You could stop there, but the Dynamic Man might throw in: “Well, if you have to know, I
was thinking of buying a castle somewhere. I’d dress up in armor and walk around all night,
acting like a ghost. I’d scare the kids who show up to party and make out. That sort of thing.”

Romantic Intrigue Questions:
The goal of your conversation with a woman is to increase her feelings of attraction to
you, not kill them, while giving you an opportunity to learn about her. There is no better way of
accomplishing both than by using Intrigue Questions. These are questions that get her in touch
with her positive feelings, and help associate them with you.

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