The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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really pay attention to the signs they saw in the beginning before they got deeply involved. A
woman tells you everything you need to know about her without having to ask specific
questions, if you’ll only stop daydreaming about deep kissing her and what she looks like naked.
Don’t listen to her words as much as what is underneath them. She won’t tell you anything
directly, but the examples she gives are enough to make some necessary judgments later on.

o Did she talk non-stop about her sister’s new baby? About how much time she
spends over there and dotes on new niece? What do you think that might be telling
o Does she complain about her job, her cat’s peeing problem, and the rain? How she
really hates all the shows on television, doesn’t like Asian, Italian, French, Indian,
German, or Brazilian food? What message might be in there?

Listen! Don’t overreact, but pay attention now and watch for repeat offenders – those
topics that come up with (alarming) regularity. Talking and conversations are the currency of
dating and relationships. Learning the finer points like these will not guarantee you success, but
ignoring them will ensure failure. And don’t forget: No matter what she talks about, she’s always
telling you something about her. If you listen closely now, you’ll be much better prepared later.

The Kiss ............................................................................................................................................

One rule I stand firmly by is this: You must attempt to kiss her at the end of your first
legitimate ‘date.’ The first meeting you have with her may not be appropriate to attempt this,
such as a brief introduction or coffee-date. But if you are on a one-on-one with her for several
hours where both of you are under the understanding that it is not a platonic "hang out" session,
then you must go for the kiss at the end of the date.

There are two reasons:

  1. You must determine as soon as possible if she is really interested in you, or if she’s
    just wasting your time, energy, and money. There are a lot of women out there who are
    professional daters. The Truth is that any woman that has a healthy level of attraction for you
    will want to kiss you. Be willing to face this judgment moment in your date, where you are willing
    to let her show her true feelings. Yes, you can delude yourself that she just wasn’t ready, or shy,
    but you need to be made of better stuff. There are literally millions and millions of datable
    women out there in the U.S., and billions out there in the rest of the world, and you won’t live
    long enough to meet them all. Why are you wasting your time with someone who isn’t

  2. You must make sure that she knows up-front that you are not here to be her buddy.
    Once again, you must risk not having a relationship with her in order to have a chance for a
    romantic relationship. It’s your choice. Do you want a bunch of sweet little female friends who
    call you every time they need their oil changed or a shoulder to cry on? Or, do you want a
    woman (or women) who you can explore a romantic and/or physical relationship with? She must
    know that you are interested in her, and that you are self-confident enough to do something

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