The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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about it. You are a man, you are sexual, and you will not be ashamed of that, no matter how
much all the feminists try to make you feel shameful and dirty.

If you don’t know by the end of the date if she will kiss you, you weren’t paying attention
or testing her interest along the way. Whether or not you will get a kiss by the end of the date
should not be a big surprise. Here are two tests that will allow you to determine how well you
are on the path to engaging her attraction:
 The Hair Test: Comment on her hair, how shiny and wonderful it looks (yes, this is
an allowable compliment.) Then slowly reach over and touch it with your fingers.
Watch her reaction. Does she pull back? Does she lean in? If she expresses a bit of
reluctance, you need to step back and start working on the charm again.
 The Lean-In: Find a good reason to stand or lean closer to her, and then reach into
her personal space. How does she react? If she seems to watch you but doesn’t pull
away, she is anticipating more contact, which means a kiss is probably on her mind.
If she pulls back or seems stand-offish, you’ll have to pull back and re-evaluate.

In general, you’ll be able to gauge the likelihood of a successful kiss by the middle of the
date, just by observing and watching how responsive she is to you. I’ve included a general list of
body language indicators for you in the appendices that you should memorize and watch for
along the way.

So at some point in the meeting, kiss her. Don’t go for tongue, or even wrap your arms
around her. Just put a hand on her arm or shoulder, give her a sweet smacker on the lips, and --
this is critical -- make it short. You must be the one to end the kiss first so that she won’t feel
smothered and will want more later. You want her thinking about that kiss and wanting more for
as long as possible. Your investments will earn interest on their own, even when you’re not
there to work on them.

Broken Dates – No-shows ................................................................................................................

It will happen. Women will simply fail to show up for dates. This will happen fairly
frequently, and it’s just part of the game. If a woman breaks a date with you, and her reason is
not incredibly convincing, you must immediately assume that she is not that interested in you. If
she calls and she leaves you a message just before, you call her back and say:

“Suzie, I’m a little disappointed, I didn’t think you’d flake out an hour or two before we
meet. But you know, I thought I’d give you an opportunity to make it up to me.”
Then shut up. The first person to talk loses. If she doesn’t apologize profusely and offer
an alternate, you tell her:
“Well, I’m sorry things didn’t work out. Have a nice night.” Click.

If she no-shows and does not call you to apologize, the best thing to do is to flush her
number and move on. If you feel you need some explanation or it was too odd, call her and ask:

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