The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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“Suzie, I’m very disappointed. I didn’t think you were the kind of woman to disrespect
me or my time so casually. Why didn’t you show up?”
Again, if there isn’t an incredibly convincing reason and an offer for a specific alternate,
you tell her you’re sorry it didn’t work out. Click. If you think the reason might be reasonable, you
“Well, I normally wouldn’t give someone a second chance when this happens, but I’ll tell
you what, I’ll let you make it up to me. Where would you like to take me?”
She will probably respond to the challenge and offer an alternative. If it sounds good,
you can choose to accept or counter-offer her. If, after you offer your second chance, she gets
indignant (“Are you kidding? Me take you? Listen here, buster ...”), you cut her off and say:
“Sorry, Suzie, it seems we’re wasting each other’s time. Good luck.” Click. Or if she says she’ll
call you back with an alternative, or says anything that is less than an eager reschedule, you
need to cut her loose. She isn’t interested in you. Move on now, or waste more time, energy,
and money.

Here’s an alternate strategy that I consider justifiable. If she no-shows you, she’s
disrespecting you and perhaps testing you as well. Women frequently forget or fail to show up,
and you shouldn’t take it personally, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make it work to your
If she no-shows, wait until the next day and then call her. (Do not call the same day;
you’ll appear wimpy.) Here’s what you say:

“Suzie, I’m so sorry. I meant to make it to our rendezvous on Tuesday. Things got
crazy and I lost track of time. Let’s try to reschedule, okay?”
This can be left on an answering machine (preferably) or you can tell her directly. She’ll
either admit that she didn’t show up, or she won’t. Either way, you get an indication of her
integrity. It’s your call then as to whether you follow up and meet her.

Regardless of the situation, if a woman no-shows you twice in a row, you call her and tell

“Suzie, I’m sorry you couldn’t make the meeting. I have a personal feeling about
flaking and not showing up and I’m afraid I can’t meet with you for a while. Good luck.”
You’ll probably never hear from her again, and that would be for the best. If she treats
you like this now, imagine how she’ll treat you later? Once in a while you’ll get a genuinely
repentant woman who really did like you but was flaky, and she’ll try to make it up. The point for
you is to retain your dignity and not let women affect your sense of self-confidence.

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