The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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long-term relationships is best created with a more prolonged period before you gratify your
The best way to handle things is to be very careful not to put out a false pretense at any
point during the seduction. Do not lie or con your way into her pants or her bed! All of this
information is to be used honorably, and using false pretenses to get laid is dishonorable, and
you will suffer consequences. I’m not going to threaten you with bad Karma, but you should
know that every action you take affects you and your life. Being a ‘player’ in the bad sense of
the word will only come back to haunt you later.

Long Distance Relationships ............................................................................................................

I can only recommend you avoid long distance relationships. What happens in almost all
cases is that her physical distance becomes a challenge to you, and as a result, you distort your
feelings of attraction for her. The lack of exposure to each other also promotes self-delusion
about how much you genuinely feel for each other. Resorting to email and phone calls for
contact only serves to make things more complicated, as you may forge a false relationship with
her, built on the pretense of sharing information instead of engaging in constructive attraction-
building behavior. You may even slip into the trap of believing you should relocate for her, and
this is almost always a mistake.
Seduction and romance must take place in person. Avoid dating at a distance,
unless it is a casual affair where neither of you is interested in taking it further. (Even then, it can
get complicated, so beware.)

Short term .........................................................................................................................................

I consider a short-term relationship to be six months or less. Typically, if you survive the
first six months you’re likely to be in for a while, and there is a more distinct emotional bond
between you as well. During the short-term romance, you are looking to accomplish several

First of all, you’re still in decision mode. If you see red flags, you need to resolve them,
accept them, or move on. Don’t try to change her. You might achieve some short-term success,
but long-term you will only reap resentment.

Second, you need to limit your time with her strategically. If you’re still dating casually,
you should not be seeing any one woman more than once a week. If you start seeing them
more frequently, you’ll trigger their relationship instincts, and they’ll expect this to be serious and
exclusive. If that’s your goal then go for it. However, if this isn’t your goal, be very clear with her
that you are not looking to get serious. Just be prepared that your unavailability will eventually
induce her to be more interested in you and she will want to turn this exclusive.
Women want monogamous relationships by nature. They don’t want to date around, and
when they do it is typically only after a breakup or when they are dealing with more issues in

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