The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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Your first fear will be her rejection if you make her mad. I actually like to get women mad at
me to see how they react. Anger is passion, and without passion, you’re just a walking erection
with strong cologne. Remember, the opposite of love isn’t hate – it’s indifference.

Meet the Parents ..............................................................................................................................

Tommy Lee said it best in the autobiography of Motley Crue. He said that if he could go
back and correct one thing about his past relationships, he’d be sure to meet his girlfriends’
mothers as soon as humanly possible.
I have to echo this sentiment. Every single woman I’ve ever dated has had issues with
her parents that translated directly into their personality. Some worked out, some didn’t. Some
had mother issues. Some had father issues. But knowing what you have to work with up front is
imperative. Meet her parents as soon as you can.

Long Term Strategies – To Marriage, And The Bitter End ...............................................................

Long-term relationships are typically six months or longer. You’ve worked through a lot
of the lusty stages. You know, seeing each other every day and boffing like wild ferrets.
Actually, if your goal is a relationship, you should be very careful to avoid that kind of obsessive,
high-octane contact. It’s like a fire started with gasoline: It will burn hot, but quick. If your goal is
not necessarily to go for a long-term romance, then you can enjoy this super hot stage for all it’s
worth. If you want to progress this into something more enduring, however, you’ll have to take a
different approach.
The red flags you were once watching for have either dissipated, or they have been
resolved. What you need to watch for now are the yellow flags that will eventually turn into red if
they are not taken care of. Again, I have to assume you’ve screened her against your list of
must-haves and nice-to-haves, and this is a solid candidate.
Yellow flags were there before, but they didn’t look quite this yellow before because you
had so much sex going on. The newness of the relationship was blinding you, and now Truth is
coming around to give you a wet slap. Remember: Your interest level in a woman will eventually
dip down much lower than it was when she was still a challenge. This is the point where comfort
and familiarity often keep us in a situation that needs to be changed, but we lack the inertia and
self-confidence to make the change.
Your objective for this stage is to vigilantly maintain the boundaries you’ve set in the
past. You need to keep an eye out for her tests, but you’ll also need to compensate with more
compassion and nurturing for her than you may have given earlier on. Your essential game plan
to keep things lasting is to never let her get bored of you and the relationship. It’s easy to slip
into comfort mode, but that’s a rut that will eventually turn into a grave. You have to take the
energies you would have been expending into the search and conquer of another woman into
the ongoing care and feeding of just one. No, it isn’t easy, but it has it’s own rewards.

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