The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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High-maintenance refers not only to her material needs, but her emotional needs as
well. Here is a list of red-flags to watch out for:
 Over-sensitive: Takes offense at almost everything, no sense of humor. Cannot take
any form of criticism. Interprets almost everything you say as disapproval.
 Frequently freaks out: Uncontrollable anger. Tends toward bi-polar behavior.
 Self-centered to the extreme: Thinks she’s God’s gift
 Needs constant pampering and coddling
 Sexually inconsistent: Hot and cold with respect to her sexual mood.
 Expects you to know what she’s thinking at all times and cater to her.
 She never thinks she’s wrong.
 Extremely critical and judgmental of you and others. Insulting and mean.
 Believes she is entitled to everything in life.
 Needs to be entertained constantly to keep her attention.
 Incessantly worries about what people think about her, overly concerned with other’s
 Inconsistent and irrational: A big indication of her erratic behavior is the success you
have with her using these principles. If you find yourself struggling to get any results
using these strategies, or you find them to work very inconsistently with a woman,
chances are she is slightly unstable and very high-maintenance.
 She can only see her point of view, no others. The high mark of emotional maturity is
how well someone can see a situation from another person’s point of view. When a
woman can see things only from her own limited reference, she is going to be very
painful to work through problems with. (See “Narcissism.”)

Generally speaking, if you find yourself hesitating before any interaction with a woman
because you have to think about whether you will irritate her, make her mad, or upset her in any
way, you have a high-maintenance woman (or your self-confidence is very low.) This kind of
ambiguity and trepidation will leave you feeling very nervous and insecure.
From my personal experience, high-maintenance women are emotionally exhausting,
and they suck the souls out of the men they come in contact with. They also rarely have any
real generosity available to give to you. Life is too short to devote most of your precious life
energy to her unhealthy demands. Get a woman who has the emotional reserves to attend to
you on occasion.

PROFILE OF A GOOD WOMAN – THE FOUR ESSENTIAL QUALITIES..............................................................

After covering all these negative qualities, I wanted to take a moment to suggest some of
the positive traits of the woman that most men find amenable to them. This is a simple formula
for judging her essence. I consider these the Four Essential Qualities of a good woman.

1) Flexible/Positive Attitude: Her philosophy of life has to be upbeat, not dark. She’s
conscious of her health. She expects the best from life. She has an open and

LoserBoy: Dude, it’s not THAT
bad... I mean, at least you’re
getting laid. Right?
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