The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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adventurous spirit. She has an intellect you find engaging, not condescending and
dismissive. She’s giving. She respects you. When you suggest an activity, you don’t
get a bunch of excuses. This woman is low to reasonable maintenance. She’s also
patient, not jumping to conclusions or having to be soothed all the time.
2) High-integrity/Trust: You need a woman of good moral fiber. You need to be able
to trust her. This woman could end up raising your children. You can’t accept a
woman who you have to worry about. If she engages in a lot of backstabbing,
chances are she is a resentful type who will stow away her slights and hit you with
them like a grocery list when the time is right. You’ve got to be able to trust her with
your life
3) Sexually and intellectually attractive: You have to be able to interact and talk on a
fairly equitable level. She has to excite you physically and mentally. (You’d be
surprised how much longer the sex lasts when she isn’t as dumb as a box of rocks.)
She also needs to have at least a comparable sex drive with you. You don’t want to
struggle over satisfying physical needs. If she has a good attitude, you should at
least be able to discuss this and reach agreements where needed, but start with a
healthy sex drive. It makes the road much easier to travel.
4) Capable and competent: I’ve dated more than my fair share of women who were
looking for father figures or saviors, and I’ll tell you that their maturity level always
leaves you wanting. There are a great deal of men who like this role, but they don’t
realize how badly their attitude suffers and how much resentment they build up
having to be a boyfriend and a daddy. Your woman should be able to take care of
herself and live her own life. She should have her own job and stable source of
income. If you’re looking to go long term with someone, they should also be capable
and competent communicators. Shortcut: People are usually a wreck on the outside
when they’re a wreck on the inside.

It’s really pretty simple. You don’t have to share the exact same five outdoor hobbies or
love only Jazz and Swing. If you can establish a solid foundation of flexibility, attraction, trust,

and competency, you’ve got enough to work from.

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