The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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quality romance time with a cross-dressing freak named Luther who wants to make
you his favorite cellmate. Never force your affections on a woman.

If you sense that something is not going well (and we usually can, but often we choose
to overlook our instincts), you owe it to her to check in and find out what is going on. You can
just ask nicely: "Are you okay?" Be very careful to not overdo this, though. Most Nice guys will
check in way too much, and nothing puts a cramp in sexual flow than being checked in on every
couple minutes. You just want to establish that she’s not in any physical discomfort, or find out if
she’s starting to weird out on you.

Sex is like pizza: When it’s good, it’s good.
And when it’s bad ... hey, it’s still pretty good.

Stay in communication with her and you’ll be able to avoid most problems before they
arise. The more experience you gain with women, the more you’ll also be able to interpret and
read between the lines, as well as read her body language during sex. Every woman is different
in this respect, and that’s what makes it interesting every time you jump in the game.


Skills in sex come with knowledge and experience. They also come from mistakes, like
any other part of dating or interacting with women, so don’t come down too hard on yourself
when you make an error. Your skills are the techniques you use in giving her pleasure. Skills in
sex also include the techniques you use to avoid problems, as well, and I’ll point out a few of

Here are some general skills you should have in bed for her to appreciate your sexual ability:

  • Knowledge and appreciation of her body: Every woman is different, and every
    woman has different erogenous zones. Much of the fundamentals, however, are very

    • A woman wants foreplay. Draw it out and take your time. Touching her lightly all
      over her body (see Kinesthetics) will only make her want you more.

    • A woman wants cunnilingus. See Below.

    • A woman wants clitoral stimulation – eventually. Not the instant you get into bed.
      Start with foreplay, to the point where she is almost pulling your hand to her
      crotch. Your hand works like a flock of circling eagles, moving in on the target,
      zooming around, but not quite going in for the kill. Eventually, you get your
      finger(s) lubricated, and then make slow circles on her clit. She needs manual
      stimulation not just slamming your genitalia together in order to get off.

    • A woman wants eye contact and presence - She wants to know she’s not just
      another hole. She wants to be appreciated here, in the moment, and if you don’t
      look at her and smile on occasion, you’ll give her the impression you’ve left the
      planet and are screwing a fantasy woman, not her.

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