Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix 3.03 Survey of The Neurosciences

and Music III Conference 2008

Disorders and Plasticity

Part V. Emotions and Music: Normal and Disordered Development



Title, Category


Mus. Material, Cultural Ref.

Technology & Procedure

Main focus of interest


  1. Saccuman & Scifo

MRI and auditory processing in infancy
Cat. 9: Child development

  1. Brattico & Jacobsen

Subjective appraisal of music
Cat. 19: Emotion, preference *45. Heaton & Allen (318

Musical experience in autism
Cat. 11: Disorder
Cat. 19:



. Allen et al.



Experience of music in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Cat. 11: Disorder

To review studies that have used MRI techniques to elucidate the anatomic and functional correlates of auditory processing in infancy
To review studies on the neural determinants of sub

jective affective processes of music, contrasted with early automatic processes linked to the objective universal properties of music
To discuss musical ability, understanding and affinity in chi

ldren and adults diagnosed
with Autism, Down syndrome and Williams syndrome
To examine the nature of the personal experiences of music in high-


adults on the autism spectrum

No particular musical material, many different studies

Review of a

variety of

studies, including classical, pop and rock music.
One study by Brattico et al.: Simple 5

-chord cadences,

Western style. Last chord conventional, blatantly deviant, or ambiguous


CR: Western, Western popular
Recorded music:
Various studies. One study by Heaton et al.: Classical instrumental extracts
CR: Western
Recorded music:
Classical and popular


selected by participants
CR: Western, Western popular

Review of 86 studies. Concise overview of techniques. Structural MRI

, functional


Diffusion Tensor

Imaging (DTI):


of tissue water diffusion
Review of 71 studies.
The study by

Brattico et


EEG: Event


Potentials (ERP) elicited by ”disliked” and ”incorrect” stimuli Heaton et al. study: Pa


pants with autisms and Down syndrome. Task: Match music with drawings representing feeling states and movement states

-structured inte


with 12 adults, ages 21

-65, 9

with Asperger’s syndrome, 3 with autism

The hemispheric speciali

zation for the processing of complex auditory stimuli in infants

. Volume of gray

matter, myelinated and unmyelinated white matter
The evaluative judgments of music by subjects according to its


and structural values. Music

-specific emotions

felt by liste


rs, and

conscious liking. Influence of s


cultural context

Autistic adults have extremely diverse motivations for listening to music
Development of musical interests. Motivations for engaging with music. Characteristics of ch


music. Use of


terms, especially valency terms versus arousal terms

MRI has been successfully used from the first hours after birth, providing informative data on auditory processing and its anatomic underpinnings
The study by Brattico et al. suggests

a neural dissociation

between cognitive and affective judgments
Intellectual impairment in handicapped listeners does not appear to limit individual

benefits from the

experience of listening


ASD persons use music in several ways similar to typically developing people: mood change, self


ment for


on, and social



Almost no valency terms. Arousal terms prominent, excitement or exhilaration is a desired state
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