Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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guide humanity, 327.
mediators between man and gods, 304, 327.
sent Mesmer, 512.
work for humanity, 409, 510, 529.
Elder Brothers,see also Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
Electricity movement in ether, 34.
Elements in Earth Period, 234, 410.
in Jupiter Period, 234.
in Moon Period, 234.
in Saturn Period, 234.
in Sun Period, 234.
Elijah and John the Baptist, 169, 405.
Elixir of life, Desire World, 93.
second heaven, 124.
Elohim, co-workers with God, 325.
creative hierarchies, 325.
double-sexed, 325.
evolved man’s body, 326.
rest during our age, 333.
saw work was good, 326.
Elohim,see also Hierarchies, creative.
Emancipation, key to, 137.
Embryo, human, first state of, 441.
and gill-like breathing organs, 346.
recapitulates past stages of evolution, 228, 255.
Embryology, science of, corroborates occult teaching, 343-344.
Embodiments, repeated, necessity for, 132-133.
Emotional Soul, finest extract of desire body, 424, 482.
grows by feeling, 424.
to be absorbed by human spirit, 425, 429.
Emotions improve vehicles, 441.
Enemies, in same family, 157.
Energy, twofold, 321, 324, 325.
for building vehicles, 189-190.
of ego turned inwards, for cognition of self, 216.
Energy,see also Forces.
Environment, choice of, 136.
Epigenesis, force of genius, 185, 252.
degeneration from lack of, 344.
free will, 135.
improvement over parents, 138.
influx of, causes, 135.
involution and evolution, 336-344.
Epigenesis, (cont.)
lever turning involution to evolution, 366.
modifies causation, 135.
original creation, 128, 135, 185, 338.

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