Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

work through blood, 350.
Group Spirits, of plants, currents of, flow from earth’s center, 85.
lowest vehicle in region of Concrete Thought, 74.
Group Spirits of minerals, lowest vehicle in Region of Abstract
Thought 74.
Growth, spiritual, 431.
Guardian angels, 352.
Gypsies, clairvoyance of, 354.

Hæckel, Ernst Heinrich, correct theories of, 339.
evolutionary theory of, 343.
Hæmolysis, spiritual effects of, 353.
produced by international marriage, 358.
result of in lower animals, 355, 357.
Hand of God, Law of Consequence, 507.
Hands, of musician, 126.
value of, 57, 80.
Hair, of Atlantean and Aryan, 292.
Half-steps, transitional states, 227, 234.
Happiness, and sheltered environment, 431.
Head of animals not concentric, 77.
Healing, faith a factor in, 63.
Health, action of vital body in, 63.
milk as a factor, 447.
not to be judged always by appearance, 449.
Heart and mind, contention of, 17, 393.
all blood in every cycle passes through, 397-398.
anomaly of, 393-400.
becoming voluntary muscle, 399, 473.
cross-stripes of, 396, 399-400.
education of, 393, 530.
home of altruistic love, 398.
impulses of, 398.
involuntary muscle in ordinary person, 396.
muscles of, 396.
perfect construction of, 77.
secondary vantage of life spirit, 397.
seed atom of dense body in, 97, 396, 398.
sex currents flow through, 477.
silver cord fastened to, 98.
stopping, caused by rupture of seed atom, 98.
Heart and mind, (cont.)
the thought that a man thinks in his, 398.
union with mind, 18.
Heathen, conversion of, 163.
Heaven, consciousness of, lost, 359.

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