Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

eternal, would have no “raison d’etre”, 133.
Heaven, first, earned by good action, 114, 116.
in higher Desire World, 113.
music of, 119.
place of unalloyed joy, 116.
training school, 118.
waiting place for children, 117.
world of color, 119.
Heaven, new, to be realized, 311.
Heaven, Second, active preparation for coming life, 123-129.
activities of, 121-129.
assimilation of soul power in, 123.
desire body discarded on entering, 122.
good of past life assimilated in, 116, 124.
Great Silence upon entering, 122.
in Region of Concrete Thought, 122.
man alters earth in, 125.
man learns to build new body, 126, 340.
preparing new earthly environment in, 124-128.
real home of thinker, 124.
realm of tone, 119, 123.
Heaven, Third, ego enters without mind sheath, 129.
harmony of, 129.
highest division of tone world, 119.
in Region of Abstract Thought, 146.
panorama of coming life seen in, 129.
thought and feeling built into ego in, 146.
Hebrew alphabet, significance of, 500.
language, old style, 318.
words and vowel points, 321.
Help given to man by leaders, 433, 437.
Helpers of humanity, the self-sufficient, 358.
Helps, three, given to man, 433, 435.
Herculaneum and Pompeii, destruction of, 510.
Heredity Succession, in Atlantis, 295-296.
Heredity the effect, consequence the cause, 157.
hard to counteract, 138.
unable to account for genius, 155.
usually Law of Attraction, 156.
Hermaphrodite of Lemuria, 268.
Hermes,see Mercury.
Hermetic axiom, 183, 410, 412, 523.
Hidden meaning in Christ’s teachings, 320.
Hierarchies, creative, aid man during Saturn Period, 206.
aid man in heaven, 126.
composed group spirit of humanity, 351.
composite being, 325.

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