Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1

and the stars are dimmed

O’ imbecile! You have lost valuable occasion

and you will repent a lot.

!èئڙîئئ ðÈj م، èئכ Çئ Äj€ئت، ºئ òئôj

Œـ روئò


.òp êóðpڏ ڏòÇ ،رات ـ’ي

( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)

O’ people! Do not consider as dew

what has dropped at dawn

These are the tears, which the night sheds

at the sight of the afflicted ones.

njئر، òjھ òئó‘Œ ،òïéـ Çـ را́ ðôن ن ðôŠـ،ـÇ

.êóÄïs èئن اÂëðî NJڳ ‰éئر، Ç €ئëـ،ـôئò

( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)

You slept for full nights

and abandoned remembering the Beloved,

considering that the Beloved would be with you

for the rest of your life.
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