Keep the Beloved in your mind
so that you may pass the river unscathed.
ِîـ jئر،، }ئò را
،ðôj ۾ تÄô½ ن ـðô ڳðّ
، ïëئر ¦ðj ۾ êïìôë ،òئ م، وÄó í ́ îئنو
،،jـ،ـnئر ¦ðj jئڙي ،òئ واð í ́ و،ئن
îـِ وار،، و،ÂÙي ò ـ³
ðw ðÇ ـ³
ڏ ن
.نðô ́ÄÇ çìó
( 5 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Both sides are weighty, my heart gets puzzled
If I stay, it would cause delay
my love would be put to blame
If I go out, it would be well known
I will be defamed in the locality
There, it would be fulfillment of promise
here the mates would condemn me.
}ــ، ¦ð ́ ،êóـ }ـ ۾، Çئëبئه، òº ـòھ Çـ
èـ،ـ، م، } ،يôè ن، ðôzئ ،اÄóëئ íë o
.ـïڻò Çـ Çــò ëئ Çـ،ـ، îئÇ ðë
( 6 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
While in your attempt to reach the dry land
if you die then do die such a death
Make not a raft of straws and sticks
do not rely on Them