There would not be any call of the beloved
nor any trace of the lover.
ن، ðô ðjن jئر òº! jـ،ـÆ ، درóئíî ـ،ـÄ ھêóÄj
،،u،ا Çئڻ آîـ،ـÄ، ،ðî،Äـ ́ ـ ðº äð ́ }ـ،ـ
}ـ ،êô òÇ ،،حøÍ Çئڻ Çئîـ،ـ، òº êº
.êôî،ـ،ـ ن ðóÂë،ـ
( 6 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Behold those who do cross and reach
the other bank of the river
Trust the raft of reliance, and have confidence in Him
They shall not drown, who are in league with Allah.
،êïºو î îئ́ ـ ò ،òp ڙن ð} ـÂëي }ــ
،êq òp يô ،òئm ÞôÔå ، åـ ðÈj
.۾ ،ÄôÇ وê Çئڻê ëئت، ـ،ـê، ìيھ òڻð ́
While drowning the clever ones( 8 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
clutch even at straws
“Behold the great humility”, says Latif
“these tender straws have
either they take the drowning person to the bank
or themselves drown in midstream with them.”
èئن، }ئر ي }ا ،êïëئ òëئ ònـ
داêïë، Äي ڌرóئ óئ ،òئm ÞôÔå ،òئئïtìå óئ