.ôºئرئêô òº ـڳ èـ،ــ ، èـ،ـÄ م، î !èئري
( 1 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
Do not become elated due to prosperity
nor become depressed due to misfortune
Do not sacrifice your own house
nor build it over again
O’ afflicted one!
Do not attempt to die
and enliven not your existance.
ڏ،ري، íë ́ ئن êôpڏ ،يÄìÇ íë ئò êôqـ Çـ
،يÄj íë ́ ئن ـÄي jـ ،òô ا íë î اوري
!نðô ́ÄÇ
ر òïì} Çـ،ـÄي، íë ð
.òp }ئëـ،ـڳ يھ
( 1 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
Do not become elated due to prosperity
nor become depressed due to adversities
Do halt not nearby, nor go far off
O’ mates! It is hard for the seeker woman
to abstain from both courses.
رðôÇن، òÇ ،ðôpر êº ،
³î pڻò μîئن
ðڻïs ðï»óو ئò وpئن ،
. ÄÇت êïëðÇ êئÇ
Those who transferred their ( 2 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
minds from here to there
they reached the Beloved
-an embodiment of beauty and wisdom