is less than a step away.
،òº ìj م، ـ،ـÄ ـئ jـ وÇئري، م، ـí وïóـ
ِëـ äèÄـِëـ
نِ îـ،ــــæـ،ـÂì ـïئري،
.ðô î ́ ئن
( 9 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
Sit not in forgetfulness
inquire not about the distance
Only the ramblers having the pure sight
meet the Beloved. would
ڏورðó، ئò ðڻïs íïóڏ ،êïë ðÇ،ا اوïº
.Äي ìj íëئ òμïj ،êïë ðÇ ر¦ Çـ،ـڳÄ
( 9 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
In the wilderness, the seekers wandered a lot
without a guidance
None has ever got on the track
to reach the goal without the guide.
،¦ئp ـÄ ـڳـِºـ èـ،ـÄد ðºان ن، ðóî òw ـÄِ ـ ـðμ ـ
ـøبِpـ ـïـ،ـئ ـøبـ Óـ و، ـíِàôــ،ـّـ½ـِ ـôـ،ـئëـِ Âå،ا
.¦÷ êôÇ êôئìî ي§ا ،
( 1 نداμÇئ ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
The dog gnaws at the bones
a brave man consumes his own liver
Bear in mind “The world is a carrion
and its seekers are dogs”.