If you learn to perceive
you would see the truth in every thing
O’ disbeliever! O’ blind!
Do not have doubts in this connection.
ڍ }Äïان èـ،ـì»ïئران، ـ،ـÄ êïìè
،êئôº ڍور، م، وë
pِ ا òº
.ـوڏاpـِ ا،mـ،ـڳ يـ،ـì آران،́ í êôó
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Look within yourself, do not wander
in contaminated places like an animal
If your eyes fear the deep waters
it would be difficult to reach the shore.
، Êـ،ـ òî÷ ـÄכÊـِ ðÇ ،òp ·بئت،ا ðº آڏو
ِ ëـ،ـàـ êïì ́ ، ½ـ،ـá ۾ êïìº ـئò îـ
.ð íîئë وïº ـòھ
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Thwart all doubts of polytheism
which come in the way of your belief
That negation is better in which
you find the Truth.
èـ òp ن ðè
۾، }ئر وڌو }ـ،ـي ،êóÄj ـðن
.êôôئئÈj ،Âëئj èـ،ــ،ـڳ ،نðm اóئê ائ
My Beloved tied me up and put me ( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
in the deep sea
Standing on the shore He warned me