ِڍ،ئئـ د،åـ،ـá،
، åبئس م، ð ÷ئ¹ ،òp لِ د
pئئ¹ ري
، èئس اÂëر èôîئن ،ð»ìïìj
.òæðè بðóðن ۾ بÄ ، واس ð ́ !وÄóاڳò í ́
Wrap your heart with the ( 9 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
patchwork quilt
put not on the routine dress
Shut yourself in a shrine
and absorb your own self into frenzy
O’ ascetic! Only then your fragrance
will be felt even in the deserts.
، وپ ڌ ðº êôë ا ڌوڙ بôqئ، òº êôë ا ـo بـ
.ئò ،ـå ðåכ ºئئن روپ، ئò ðÇ ôئئðن
( 9 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Hunger is alms for them
and dust as their incense
They have adopted such appearances
which the people feel ashamed of.
sـــــــðدڙي، ڏëـــــــò ـÄ sـ ºــــــئ
åــــــ، ÷îـìôـÂي ـئــــــــــــــــò Çــــــــــئ
.اÄμô وÂëðm ðæôm ،،ïـ Çـ êïì ́ اÂìÇ
The guide gave me a quilt( 9 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
which if I put off is a shame for me