.êـــــóÄـــkÇ ئـــ»ìïìè اــئ½ــÍ ،êــآôî òــئ اــاî
( 1 داμÇئن ،يìÇ بÄوو ÄÇ)
Sometimes the Beloved shuts the door
sometimes He opens it to me
Sometimes I am called
sometimes I deserve not to enter
Sometimes I long for a call
sometimes He shares secrets with me
Such is the Beloved, Lord of mine.
،êـــڏó ðــðرóــj êîـــ Âا،ــìÇ Äــدåب ـËئداـــ ر
،êóÇ jئڻ Çڳ êîــ ئن،ــïtÇ íë òــو ئنــو êîــ
ـ êî
،êôåð} ï»ìèئن íïºئ} êî ،ò êô ــ،ـê
.وــôî ـê،ـــــ íë ½Äف êîــ ،êóÄ ðâل êîــ
( 1 داμÇئن ،يìÇ بÄوو ÄÇ)
Sometimes the Beloved’s doors are wide open
sometimes they are closed
Sometimes I can not enter
sometimes He Himself calls me in
Sometimes He is absolutely silent
sometimes He is mercifully chatty
Sometimes He promises a lot
sometimes would converse not.