ــ íë Ä ڳئíïå، êـــjــô يـــï
ـبئح،ــÍـ ڄا ئ
،íîئÈj íï»ìè êôÈj òــôº واڳðô، êôÇ êôì ́ ون§
.òــــــ ئرــــôËــîـ ئل،ـــ½ òــــــèـ ،íîرا òـــــــربئë مر
( 5 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
past? the about inquire you do Why
then and now about fuss not Do
pulsation your in are who those, only Join
Get along the path of Allah
and be careful about the present.
،يÄôè êôÇ òè ،ئô و،ره، êôìº ò{óو
،يÄô íë ڏي ðن ڏي، اoå ðºن êôìº اðôpن
،يÄô ــÄاôwئ ،ئô ئ ئراڻôئن
،يÄô ۽ òبì ،òئm ÞôÔå ÷ل åכ
.وÄìÇ mـ،ـÂëÄي Çــðر، ëبÄôي، íë êïìôë
( 6 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Those who sat for years
with dust in their hair, unclean
Their eyes are focused on Allah
never ever turning away