grey turning Their hair got blistered in the fire
“They tremble and shed blood-red tears
Sufferings happily
They would not forsake their love.
، Çئڻ يÄôè èـ،ـò ،ئô و،رíî، êôـìº ò{óو
، ئڻ òïºو يÄô ،ئô ئ ئراڻôئ
.۾ Äsبئن sــÄ ðós êº }ئڻ، îڻê Äï} êئô òÇ
( 6 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Those who sat for years with their dusty heads
Their hair have turned from black to grey
They put their knowledge in fire
How would they point else where
If they find their guide in side the heart?
ِjـ ،نðïèئÇ ـِÇــïــìـ ـــïــìـِ ðº
،jئر êôÇ êôïì ́ ـÄت
م نð ́ êôÇ êïì ́ ،ð»ìïìº òïبë íë êïìôë
،́ ðìار
.ëبÄي ðåاÄë ـò§ِـ Çئر،و واٽ، م،
( 9 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Pledge your love with Him
who is present at good and bad places
Do waste not your love
where it does not last till the end
Never deviate from the love’s way
fulfill it as a unique one.