ÀــÂا، ۽ ðÀدي ۾، èـ،ـê، ـÂìاèئئôـِ ،êôــِ
.۾ ôèئڻ ـ،îـِ òïëئ ،¦ئº ن́ Äار
( 8 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Egoism and Allah
cannot exist in one and the same soul
Just like the two swords
which cannot be contained in one sheath?
ëـِ ـò ِpـ،ـéـ ـòëـ،ـéـِ
، ک ڏ و،ڏو ڏ،èـ،ـÄ ،نð ́ ـïئر
ـo Çـ ـÄ Íـ،ـبـ ï»ìèئن
.êôï»éـ،ـÇ !ئئÇـ،ـðìار òº ،
Be modest and humble, anger brings ( 8 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
enormous sorrow
Patience yields contentment, if you were to understand.
ڏو÷ئð، ڏèـ،ـÄ ،نð ́ ïëئر òép òéë
.ò ́ Äôj ھòïëا ائêô òº Çئئئð، ئò
( 8 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Be modest and humble, anger is a mental distress
If you stand firmly on these footsteps
you will acquire wisdom.