jئڻ، ر،îئÆó ¦ðj ،êóÄkـ،ـ م، òp ðèن
.۾ راíî ،øôÇر ، ر،س òp ê ́ ئڻ، ــðóøن ـ òº
( 3 ôîðئري، ÄÇ)
O’ Beloved! Abandon me not in the mountains
Egoism has confined me behind
Please, help those who are misled by ego.
،òº ئóøº ،شðº ،òp ê ́ و،ÂìÇي ـ ، Çـ
،òë وٽ êôì ́ êïìôë ºئ، áôã¾ ́ òº Óئåا
.وôî آòî ́ ئن ـð îـ ،òw òÈj يôw
( 6 ôîðئري، ÄÇ)
Desolation becomes inhabited
for those who are passionate
Take love to the seekers of the Truth
Cockeye perceives three (plurality) but He is only One.
ـðôـîðsِ ن ـðμ ïsـ ،ðô ÷ڙائð م،، åـ،ـ
،ـ،ـ ن
åـ، åـ،ـو، م، íî÷
ِÇـ ڳئڙòî í ́ ،ـ
.êôóـِèـ ڳئíïå ـ
( 1 ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
Discard all waywardness and deviate not
Unload not the wares, put on the load
so that you may achieve
your objectives by the sun’s twilight.