Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

This BrightOne,whocomethon his belly, on his hind parts
andon the joints of his back.
Lo!then,I come, andthy might is in my hand. It is I who
carryawaythy might, that I may comeandseizeuponthe Tunnels
of Ra who is united to me at sunset as he goeth roundheaven.(8)
Butthou art pierced with hooks,as was decreedagainstthee
of old.
I know the powers of the West, theyare Tmu, Sebakthe Lord
of Bachau, andHathor,Mistressof Sunset.


Thechapters 108,109, 112, 113,and 114 being so analogous to
eachother,in form, matter,style,and composition, and eachbeing

concernedwiththe divine Powers r\SS^of some locality,it is in

terestingto know thatone at least of these chaptersis found on a
monumentof the Middle Empire. Theothersare probably not less
ancient, and the textpublished by Dr. Golenischef(Zeilschr.f.
Aegypt.Spr.,1874,p. 84) from the Sarcophagus at St. Petersburg
alreadybearsmanifestsignsof antiquity.
Anothersignof antiquity as regards the present chapter maybe
seen in tiie numerous forms in which it has comedownto us.
These are so different, and sometimesso irreconcileable, that it
seemsevidentthattradition has handeddown very corrupt texts,
andthatthe original meaningof this chapter had been entirelylost
at a very earlydateand cannotbe discovered now. The oldest
textis the shortest of all, but it is both imperfect and incorrect.
Theearliestpapyridiffergreatlyfromthe later ones. Butboththe
earlierandthe later papyri havethe 149th chapter whichcontains
anotherrecensionof the 108th, andchapterin in the Turin and
laterpapyriis another formof it.

  1. The Hill of Bachau. \ "^"^\ «— =• %> "*®~ has for
    determinative the sign j^s~ which connects the word with the
    Coptic &OV£,I ' eyelids.' In the later textsthe word has for
    determinativeeithera woman or a c<nv in the act of parturition, as

if it were connected with J { j W) and its variants, with which

\ I J vs. m another nameof the Dawn is identified.
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