
(Ann) #1
extension of power, 205–206
qualities necessary for, 221–222
self-made men and, 36–40
Presidential election of 2008, 210–223
Principles of Psychology, The(James), 60
Priorities, recognizing, 119–121
Problem solving, creative, 71
Public service, 224–225
Public virtue, 13–14
Pygmalion effect, 193–194
Race, 2008 presidential campaign and,
Raskin, Jamin B. (Jamie), 79, 85,
183–184, 237
on ambitions, 117
on luck and preparation, 102
on passion, 124
Ravitch, Diane, 75
Reagan, Ronald, 2, 38–39, 76, 192, 193,
Recession, xiv, 199–200
Red Cross, 153
Re-engineering the corporation, 175–176
on experience, 56–58, 84–85, 183
resolution and, 108–114
on success and failure, 110
on what gives pleasure, 110–111
Reflective backtalk, 190
Reliability, 152
Religious fundamentalism, xv, 11–12
of life conflicts, 113
reflection and, 110, 112
to community, 132–133
self-knowledge and, 53–55
Riesman, David, 58
Right-brain thinking, 97
of leadership, 139
strategic thinking and, 130
Risk-taking, 92–93, 182, 190
Ritchey, S. Donley (Don), 46, 89, 163,
on difficult bosses, 142
on education, 82
on empathy, 149
on expectations, 194

on motivating people to follow, 150
on professional ethics, 157–158
on trust, 154
Rogers, Carl, 13
Role taking, 52
Roman Catholic Church, clergy sex
abuse scandal, 6
Romney, Mitt, 213
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2, 88, 125, 225
charisma and, 217, 218
crisis and, 223
crucible of leadership and, xxiv, 36, 226
growth in office, 137
self-invention of, 37, 38, 46, 51
Roosevelt, Theodore, 137
Rowley, Colleen, xxii
Rubinstein, Arthur, 130
Sabbatical, 183–184
Sagan, Carl, 96
Salzman, Mark, 125–126
Sapolsky, Robert, xxvii–xxviii
Sarnoff, Robert, 174
in business, xviii–xix, 3, 5–6, 156
government agencies and, 7
Schools, learning and, 74–76
Schubert, Richard, 97, 237–238
on leading the Red Cross, 153
on relating to others, 133
Schweitzer, Albert, 2
Scientific learning, 53
Sculley, John, 81, 87, 119, 184, 191, 238
on leadership vs.management, 132
on need for change in organizations,
on perspective, 114
on vision, 100–101
Self, emergence of, 107–108
Self-awareness, 66
Self-direction, 58–59
Self-expression, 29, 66, 106, 117
Self-invention, 46–51, 62–66
learning and, 52–53, 58–60, 65–66
life stages and, 60–62
nature-nurture debate and, 63–64
See alsoSelf-knowledge
Self-knowledge, 34–35, 45–46, 49–52
accepting responsibility and, 53–55
reflecting on experience and, 56–58
teaching oneself, 52–53


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