political science

(Wang) #1

compliance, and international economic
institutions (IEIs) 660
concept stretching, and urban regime
analysis 510
Concert of Europe 615
and constitutional regime type 230
and institutions 14
conXict design, and institutional change 11
consensual democracy, compared with
majoritarian democracy 336 – 7
consequences, and institutions 9
conservative welfare states 388
consociationalism 756
constitutional courts, and evolution of 747
constitutional monarchy 217
constitutional patriotism, and European
Union 9 – 10
and Afghanistan 437 – 9
and consequences of regime type 226 ,
democracy duration 229 – 31
executive-legislative relations 361 – 2
government formation 227
policy performance 228 – 9
and constitutional engineering 748
and deWnition of 191 , 217
and deliberative democracy 704 – 5
and electoral rules:
micromega’s rule 223
multimember districts 221 – 2
political parties 222 – 3
promotion of candidate voting 222
proportional representation 222
single-member districts 222
and evolution of 745 – 6
and federalism:
diYculties in amending 269 – 70
written 268 – 9
and formal-legal analysis 95
and future research:
comparative constitutional
analysis 210
constitutional interpretation 211

democratic theory 211
interethnic cooperation 211
nonjudicial actors 212
roles of legal actors 211 – 12
and interaction with political
institutions 191 – 2
and interpretation of 192 , 202 – 3
federalism 271
judicial review 193 , 203 – 4 , 207 – 10
judiciary 203 – 10
and Iraq 436 – 7
and judicial review 193 , 270 – 1
and liberal constitution 703 , 717
and objectives of 191
and party government, United
Kingdom 707 – 9
and separation of powers 217
checks-and-balances regimes 219
constitutional monarchy 217
dual formula for 217
parliamentary regimes 217 – 18
presidentialism 220
semi-presidentialism 220 – 1
and social rights 200 – 2
and status and functions of 193 – 4
and typologies of 223
Wve-fold schema 225 – 6
geographical distribution 363
majoritarian/consensus 224
parliamentary 350 , 351
presidential 350 – 1
role of political parties 224 – 5
semi-presidentialism 351 – 2 , 363 – 4
uniWed/divided government 224 – 5
veto players 225
see alsoexecutives; federalism; judicial
review; legislatures; parliamentary
presidentialism; semi-presidentialism;
United States Constitution
constrained choice, and judicial
decision-making 523
constructivist institutionalism:
and actors’ conduct 63 – 4 , 65
perceptions of interests 68 – 9

786 subject index

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