political science

(Wang) #1

and analytical and ontological
distinctiveness of 63 – 5
and emergence of 56 – 7
and epistemological status of 71
and ideas 65
in times of crisis 70 – 1
and institutional change 64 – 5
and interests:
actors’ conduct 68 – 9
in times of crisis 69 – 70
and materialism 71
and origins of 57 – 63
concern with institutional
disequilibrium 57 – 60
historical institutionalism 60 – 3 , 66
and paradigm shifts 67 – 8
and path dependency 64 – 5
and shortcomings of 71 – 2
and theoretical status of 71
and view of institutions 64
see alsonew institutionalism
consultancy culture, economic institutions,
and interpretive turn 157 – 8
contextualism 6
‘‘Contract with America’’ 381
contracts, and transaction-cost
economics 34
contractualism, and economic
institutions 157
Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty 644
conventions, and constitutions 707 – 9 , 710
convergence, and two-party system 703 ,
707 , 711 – 12
conversion, and policy change 403
cooperation, and collective action 31 – 2
Coordinating Committee for Multilateral
Export Controls (COCOM) 639
and approaches to 373
and bargaining 374
and electoral systems 587
and executives in parliamentary
government 330 – 1
and international economic institutions
(IEIs) 658 , 659 – 60

and international security
institutions 644 – 5
and liberal constitution 703 , 717
and networks 82
and public bureaucracies 372 – 5
and role of government 427
as twin-headed task 372 – 3
core executive approach, and executives in
parliamentary government 326 – 7 ,
338 – 9
and regulation 410 , 418 – 19
and tax collection 424 – 5
Costa Rica 444 – 5
counterattack hypothesis, and
inclusion-and-exclusion 165
African-Americans 177 – 82
courts,seejudicial review; judiciary; United
States Supreme Court
creative advance 698 – 9
crises, and institutional theories 753 – 4
critical junctures:
and institutional change 12
and paradigm shifts 67 – 8
critical theory 734
critical thinking 736
cultural community, and interpretation of
politics 4
culture, as tool of analysis 702
cumulative voting 587
cycling, and legislative decisiveness 446

decentralization, and nonfederal states 757
and bureaucrats 370 – 1
and judiciary 517 – 18
attitudinal model of 518 – 20
impact of institutions 525
impact of process on
policymaking 541 – 4
inXuence of interest groups 525
legal model of 520 – 3
popular accountability 525 , 540 – 1
strategic model of 523 – 6
and legislatures 435

subject index 787
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