political science

(Wang) #1

decision-making: (cont.)
agenda control 447 – 8
bottlenecks 446
cycling 446
information/expertise building 442 – 4
role of political parties 446
transparency 440 – 2
and politics 724
and thinking institutionally 740 – 1
decommodiWcation, and social policy 392
degreeism, and urban regime analysis 510
delegates, and representatives as 463 – 4
and bicameralism 489 – 90
and legislatures 434 , 440 – 2
deliberative democracy 440 , 704 – 5
and competitive elections 559 – 60
and deWnition of 597
and duration of, impact of constitutional
regime 229 – 31
and economic institutions 155 – 8
constrained by 156 – 7
consultancy culture 157 – 8
contractualism 157
control of 155 – 6
executive agencies 157
and elections 597
and institutional design 12
and institutional requirements for 166
and political parties 557 , 563 , 574 – 5 , 581
see alsodirect democracy
Denmark 459 , 478
and local governance 500
deregulation, and failure of 411
design, institutional 10
and agency 149
economic institutions 153 – 4
and democracy 12
and institutional change 11
and institutionalization 728 – 9
and international economic institutions
(IEIs) 660
and redundancy theory,
bicameralism 484 – 6

and trade institutions 666 – 7
developing countries:
and international organizations 625 – 6
regulatory regionalism 626 – 7
and public bureaucracies 383
and trade liberalization 664
developmental states 126
diVuse reciprocity, and multilateralism 618
diVuse support, and legitimacy 527
diVusionism 753
direct democracy:
and criticisms of 597 – 8 , 600
responses to 598 – 9
undesirable consequences 608 – 9
and deWnition of 601
and federal systems 606
and increase in 608
and literature of 610 – 11
and mediated voting 600 – 2 , 609
and policy areas covered by 607 – 8
and policy outcomes 608
and political parties 599 – 600 , 609
impact on 602 – 4
and procedures of:
initiatives 604 – 6
referendums 604 – 6
and representative democracy 599 – 600
individual/package policy
voting 609 – 10
and requirement of 601
and varieties of 600 – 2
discourse theory 100
and the state 123 – 4
and bureaucrats 370
and judicial decision-making 520 – 1
discursive institutionalism,see
constructivist institutionalism
dispute resolution, and trade
institutions 665 – 6
distributional institutions 580
and institutional change 15
and representation in legislature 434 ,
436 – 40

788 subject index

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