political science

(Wang) #1

bicameralism 481 , 485
divided government 470 – 1
division of powers,seeseparation of powers
dominant groups, and inclusion-and-
exclusion 172 – 3
DONGOs 679
drift, and policy change 403 – 4
dual citizenship, and federalism 264
dual state thesis 288
Duverger’s Law:
and electoral systems 579 – 80 , 581 – 4
and political parties 580

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) 396
East African Common Market 623
East Asian capitalism 152
and regulatory regionalism 626 – 7
East India Company 419
Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) 626
economic institutions 158
and capitalism 150 – 4
Anglo-Saxon capitalism 152
comparative studies 151
East Asian capitalism 152
institutional diVerentiation 152
institutional fatalism 154
Rhineland capitalism 152
role of agency 153 – 4
and democratic government 155 – 8
as constraint on capitalism 156 – 7
consultancy culture 157 – 8
contractualism 157
control of economic
institutions 155 – 6
executive agencies 157
and economic regulation 147 – 51
globalization 150
institutional design 149
national styles hypothesis 147 – 8
reXexive regulation hypothesis 148 – 9
regulatory state 149
state’s role 152
and institutionalism 145 – 7
distinction from organizations 146

feedback 146
institutional choice 146
lock-in 146
meaning of institutions 146
new institutionalism 146
old institutionalism 145 – 6
role ofWrms 146 – 7
and interaction with political
institutions 144 – 5
and lock-in 146 , 148 , 149
and path dependency 146 , 148 , 149
and political signiWcance of 144 – 5
and principal-agent problems 159
see alsointernational economic
institutions (IEIs); trade institutions
economic performance, and constitution
type 228 – 9
economic regulation 147 – 51
and globalization 150
and institutional design 149
and national styles hypothesis 147 – 8
and reXexive regulation hypothesis 148 – 9
and regulatory state 149
and state’s role 152
and deWnition of institutions 723 , 725
and institutionalization 726
eYcient institutions 580
and competitive elections 559 – 60
and constitutional rules:
impact on democracy duration 230
impact on government formation 227
impact on policy performance 228 – 9
micromega’s rule 223
multimember districts 221 – 2
political parties 222 – 3
promotion of candidate voting 222
proportional representation 222
single-member districts 222
and democracy 597
and inclusion-and-exclusion:
at-large vs. single member districts 167
descriptive and substantive
representation 168 – 9

subject index 789
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