political science

(Wang) #1

elections: (cont.)
inclusion and
coalition-building 169 – 71
proportional representation 169
run-oVelections 167
and reelection rates 444
home styles 465 – 6
and retrospective voting 566
see alsoelectoral systems; proportional
electoral college, and United States
Constitution 198
electoral systems:
and Afghanistan 437 – 9
and changing 584 – 5
electoral law 591 – 2
obstacles to 588
reasons for 589 – 91
role of popular pressure 590
role of self-interest 590 – 1
role of values 589
uncertainty over impact of 586 – 8
uncertainty over party numbers 585
uncertainty over voter preferences 586
and coordination problems 587
as distributional institution 580 – 1
and Duverger’s Law 579 – 80 , 581 – 4
and electoral thresholds 584
and functions of 579
and future research 593 – 4
and governability 582 , 583
and importance of choice of 580
and Iraq 436 – 7
and political parties 581
choices by 584
and representation 583 , 589 – 90
and stability of 584 – 5 , 593
and voter/representative relationship 581
see alsoelections; proportional
electorate, and structured institutions 28 ,
29 – 30
and institutional change 45 – 8 , 164
and institutional pluralism 311 – 12

enforcement problems:
and internationalWnancial
institutions 670 – 1
and trade institutions 662 , 664 – 5
entrapment, and
inclusion-and-exclusion 165
epiphenomenalism, and Marxist
approaches to the state 116
equality, and liberalism 697
equilibrium patterns:
and interpretation of institutions 25 – 6
and unstructured institutions 28
equivalence, and network analysis 79
Ethiopia 266
ethnic cleansing 183
and descriptive and substantive
representation 168
and electoral coalition-building 169 – 71
and federalism 265
and inclusion-and-exclusion 165
African-Americans 177 – 82
and welfare state 389 – 91
see alsoinclusion-and-exclusion
ethnography 104
European Coal and Steel Community 623
European Court of Human Rights 552
European Court of Justice 552 , 624 – 5
European Defence Community 623
European Parliament 448 , 471
European Union 616
and creation of common identities 9 – 10
and democratic legitimacy 625 , 628 , 630
and federalism 256 – 7
and governance systems 624 – 5
as integrated organization 616 – 17
and legal powers of 618
as multifunctional organization 617 ,
623 – 4
and regulation 426
and sovereignty pooling 619 – 20 , 625
exchange relationships, and networks 77
executive agencies, and economic
institutions 157

790 subject index

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